Author: Carsten Ley

OKR Certification Courses

Choosing Your OKR Certification Course: Your Pathway to Advanced Operational Leadership

As a manager, are you seeking ways to sharpen your leadership …

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An introduction to OKRs

Many organisations would like to speed up and align their Goal …

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Understanding the difference between OKRs and SMART Goals

Using the OKR methodology, a team can set and achieve ambitious …

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OKRs for Design Teams

A set of objectives and key results, described as OKRs, is …

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Okr professional

OKR Coach Training: Setting ESG Goals with OKRs

Investing in or buying from companies that care for the environment …

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OKR Coach Certification Program – How to pilot OKRs

Before implementing any grand-scale projects, organisations tend to use pilot projects …

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OKR Certification Online – Increase Strategy Execution

John Doerr rightly said, “Ideas are Easy – Execution is everything”. …

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Find Out How OKRs Drive Team Performance in a few Easy Steps

As a technical term, performance in OKRs not only refers to …

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Why do we need OKR Champions?

Change Management from a project or task-related individual performance culture into …

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What are the main challenges of an OKR implementation?

A number of high-tech companies, such as Google, Amazon, Slack, Dropbox, …

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What is the difference between KPIs & OKRs? 

There’s a lot of debate in performance management meetings about OKRs …

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OKR Coach certification program and Why does it matters.

We’re obsessed with data these days, and for good reason: it’s …

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